

QUAMP verfügt über eine Schnittstelle zum LMS (Lern-Management-System) Moodle. Diese ermöglicht es, in Moodle-Kursen Links zu Evaluationsfragebögen einzublenden, die pro Kurs und Studierenden nur einmal gültig sind. Die Schnittstelle ist als Moodle-Plugin (Block) realisiert.

Die nachfolgenden Erläuterungen zum Moodle-Plugin erfolgen auf Englisch.

Moodle Block Module

This Moodle block module enables you to show up course evaluation links within a sidebar block in your Moodle courses. The given URL leads a student to feedback questionnaires and results reports managed by your QUAMP instance.

System requirements


  1. Log in to your QUAMP backend
  2. Select Course evaluation | Import & Export from main menu then QUAMP Moodle Plugin


  1. See Moodle installation instructions here
  2. Unpack ZIP archive
  3. Put folder sl_quamp_course_evaluation_vx under /moodle/blocks folder (x=1 for Moodle 1.x, x=2 for Moodle > 2.x) and rename it into sl_quamp_course_evaluation
  4. Visit administration page and select Notifications once you have installed or updated the block plugin
  5. Edit global block settings at: Site Administration Block | Modules | Blocks | Course evaluation | Settings
    1. Use your QUAMP instance URL for QUAMP-Server:
    2. Find your QUAMP instance API key in QUAMP backend under CMS | Applications then Edit application | System integration

Global block settings

The following global/default settings are available.

Server settings


Instance/course level settings

Lecturers may overwrite some of the global/default settings at instance (course) level.

Overwriting the course key

Lecturers may set the course key manually. This helps when no course key is available at all. Setting the course key manually overwrites the course key given by the specified DB field (see global settings).

Anonymous user name transmission

To ensure that no Moodle user (student) can fill in the questionnaire multiple times the user's user name will be encoded (MD5 hash) and transmitted when requesting QUAMP for survey URLs. This user key is only used to check whether or not a user (student) has already been participated.

Response (error) codes

When Moodle is asking your QUAMP instance for a survey URL, QUAMP uses several error codes. The following codes are used:

Moodle shows up a customizable text message in case one of the error codes was received. Edit the translation files included in the plug in to change the default messages. English and German translations are shipped.

In all other cases an URL is returned by your QUAMP instance containing information on the course, on the user and on the questionnaire's language setting. This URL leads either to the questionnaire or to the Student's report in case the lecturer has finished course evaluation and set „results for students too“ manually.